Prevarication artinya pengingkaran
Sinonim prevarication
fabrication, lying
evasiveness, equivocation
Prevarication artinya pengingkaran
Sinonim prevarication
fabrication, lying
evasiveness, equivocation
Procrastinate artinya menunda-nunda menunda :delay, put off, postpone, suspend, defer, procrastinate berlengah-lengah : dawdle, hang about, hover, procrastinate, dilly-dally menangguh-nangguhkan : procrastinate Contoh When you’re under too much emotional stress, you vacillate and procrastinate , especially when it has something to do with money. When asked to do something, they say they will do it but …
The Inca emperor derived his prodigious power and authority from the gods. The paramount god was the sun god. It was from him the ruler passed on his prerogative to rule to his most astute son. This nepotism had worked with great efficacy for centuries. The land holdings were immense, there were rich farmlands and …
If one were to look at the rooster of physical handicaps, one would reach the somber conclusion that the list is a long one. Included would be stunted development of an arm or leg due to a birth anomaly. Others would be the result of a crippling disease which has caused muscles to atrophy. The …
To the derogatory comments from the older generation the teenagers might retort that new fashions and styles are adopted by the elders with alacrity. Though they complain, women emulate their daughters by shortening or lengthening their hems. They may appear reticent about the bother and expense of altering their wardrobe, but they give tacit when …
The movement towards realism in the English novel of the nineteenth century reached its acme with the works of Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thakeray. Charles Dicken was a prolific writer. Among his copious works are Oliver Twist, a candid exposure of the poor laws; Nicholas Nicklebery, in which the life of boys in a …