Terjemahan dari virulent adjektiva jahat evil, bad, wicked, malicious, sinister, virulent sengit fierce, bitter, violent, acrimonious, virulent, sharp membinasakan virulent yg dpt mematikan virulent Definisi virulent adjektiva (of a disease or poison) extremely severe or harmful in its effects. Mark Oliver Everett is what epidemiologists and Dustin Hoffman call a hot spot, a highly contagious …
Terjemahan dari lucrative adjektiva yg menguntungkan propitious, lucrative, profitable, trine, gainful, advantageous Definisi lucrative adjektiva producing a great deal of profit. a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian sinonim: profitable, profit-making, gainful, remunerative, moneymaking, paying, high-income, well-paid, bankable, rewarding, worthwhile, thriving, flourishing, successful, booming Sinonim adjektiva profitable, profit-making, gainful, remunerative, moneymaking, paying, high-income, well-paid,bankable, rewarding, …
Terjemahan dari obviate verba meniadakan negate, abolish, exclude, nullify, obviate, deny menghindarkan avoid, spare, avert, preclude, obviate, waive menyingkirkan get rid of, remove, rule out, eliminate, do away, obviate Definisi obviate verba remove (a need or difficulty). the Venetian blinds obviated the need for curtains sinonim: preclude, prevent, remove, get rid of, do away with, …
Terjemahan dari typical adjektiva khas typical, unique, characteristic, specific, peculiar, particular khusus special, specific, particular, unique, distinctive, typical tipikal typical, exemplary, representative typis typical, classical Definisi typical adjektiva having the distinctive qualities of a particular type of person or thing. a typical day sinonim: representative, classic, quintessential, archetypal, model, prototypical, stereotypical, paradigmatic, common; normal, average, …
Terjemahan dari whet verba mengasah hone, sharpen, whet, polish, grind, plane mengilir whet merangsang stimulate, excite, whet, provoke, titillate, agitate membangkitkan generate, raise, evoke, arouse, awaken, whet menambah add, increase, supplement, augment, gain, whet menambahkan add, append, increase, supplement, enhance, whet mempertajam sharpen, improve, exacerbate, increase, better, whet nomina pengasahan grinding, whet waktu time, period, …