Insurrection artinya pemberontakan Beberapa contoh kalimat : Contoh The Maoist rebels have been waging a Marxist insurrection in Nepal for nine years to abolish the monarchy. The insurrection swept the old government from office and could only be crushed by the might of the Russian army. the insurrection was savagely put down An urban insurrection …
Definisi wacko nomina a crazy person. In any case, I do think that trying to characterize the anti-war movement by the wackos is just what I said: a misrepresentation of the political opposition. adjektiva mad; insane. his willingness to pursue every wacko idea that enters his mind Sinonim nomina whacko, nutter Contoh Maybe agreeing with …
Terjemahan dari debauchee nomina orang gasang debauchee, lecher Definisi debauchee nomina a person given to excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures. Within a few years, Carbonneau, ‘a debauchee and libertine’ had frittered away her money on dubious enterprises. Sinonim nomina rounder, libertine Contoh The reality is a disturbingly different film, dark and sombre, a 17th century …
Terjemahan dari furtive adjektiva sembunyi secret, stealthy, concealed, furtive Definisi furtive adjektiva attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive. they spent a furtive day together sinonim: secretive, secret, surreptitious, clandestine, hidden, covert, conspiratorial, cloak-and-dagger, backroom, backstairs, sly, sneaky, under-the-table, sidelong, sideways, oblique, …
Terjemahan dari reward nomina hadiah gift, prize, reward, present, award, bounty ganjaran reward, retribution, punishment, consideration, payment, desert upah wage, pay, reward, salary, fee, hire pahala reward, merit, desert hukuman punishment, penalty, sentence, conviction, chastisement, reward pituas compensation, reward, wage verba menghargai appreciate, respect, value, cherish, reward, honor membalas reply, return, avenge, retaliate, respond, reward …