Lenient artinya lunak, sabar, toleran, lemah lembut Contoh Kalimat : Engineering sector lawmaker Raymond Ho said the punishment meted out was too lenient . Dance companies are more lenient about tattoos than you might expect, and certainly more so than they once were. A journalist in Melbourne wrote a column suggesting that a local magistrate …
Terjemahan dari hunch nomina firasat hunch, feeling, premonition, inkling, foreboding, presentiment dugaan guess, notion, allegation, conjecture, presumption, hunch anggapan assumption, presumption, opinion, contention, belief, hunch prasangka prejudice, bias, presupposition, preconception, prejudgment, hunch bungkuk stoop, hunch, gibbosity irisan tebal hunch potongan yg tebal hunch Definisi hunch nomina a feeling or guess based on intuition rather than …
Terjemahan dari malignancy nomina keganasan malignancy, ferocity, violence, fierceness, cruelty, malignity kejahatan crime, evil, wickedness, offense, harm, malignancy keburukan badness, disrepute, infamy, deterioration, meanness, malignancy kebencian hatred, hate, resentment, loathing, hostility, malignancy dendam revenge, grudge, resentment, spite, rancor, malignancy permusuhan hostility, enmity, feud, antagonism, malignancy, malignity penyakit yg berbahaya malignancy, malignance, malignity Definisi malignancy nomina …
Terjemahan dari lucrative adjektiva yg menguntungkan propitious, lucrative, profitable, trine, gainful, advantageous Definisi lucrative adjektiva producing a great deal of profit. a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian sinonim: profitable, profit-making, gainful, remunerative, moneymaking, paying, high-income, well-paid, bankable, rewarding, worthwhile, thriving, flourishing, successful, booming Sinonim adjektiva profitable, profit-making, gainful, remunerative, moneymaking, paying, high-income, well-paid,bankable, rewarding, …
Terjemahan dari revulsion nomina perubahan change, shift, alteration, amendment, transformation, revulsion rasa jijik contempt, revulsion, repulsion, aversion, scunner, execration rasa muak revulsion, nausea, qualm, qualmishness reaksi mendadak revulsion pembelokan perhatian revulsion perubahan tiba-tiba revulsion, flip-flop Definisi revulsion nomina a sense of disgust and loathing. news of the attack will be met with sorrow and revulsion …