awkward, clumsy, ungainly, inelegant, bumbling, lousy
rigid, stiff, stuffy, awkward, stilted, ungainly
an ungainly walk
awkward, clumsy, ungainly, inelegant, bumbling, lousy
rigid, stiff, stuffy, awkward, stilted, ungainly
an ungainly walk
Mayhem artinya aniaya, kekerasan, atau kerusuhan dan kekacauan Contoh Kalimat : The funny climax, shot against the picturesque sand dunes of Dubai, is a mix of madness and mayhem . Rebels advanced on the capital which erupted in anarchy and mayhem as armed gangs looted and fought each other on the streets. complete mayhem broke …
Terjemahan dari covenant nomina perjanjian agreement, treaty, covenant, deal, contract, pact persetujuan approval, consent, agreement, assent, accord, covenant akad contract, agreement, covenant verba mengadakan perjanjian covenant, make a bargain mengadakan persetujuan covenant, make a bargain menanggung jawab atas perjanjian covenant Definisi covenant nomina an agreement. But the fact that he is abusing the marriage covenant …
Terjemahan dari debase verba menurunkan nilai debase, deteriorate merendahkan martabat demean, debase merendahkan derajat debase, demean menurunkan mutu deteriorate, debase menghinakan humiliate, degrade, spurn, humble, contemn, debase Definisi debase verba reduce (something) in quality or value; degrade. the love episodes debase the dignity of the drama sinonim: degrade, devalue, demean, cheapen, prostitute, discredit, drag down, …
Terjemahan dari bequest nomina warisan heritage, legacy, inheritance, patrimony, bequest, heirdom turunan derivative, descendant, generation, transcription, inheritance, bequest pusaka heritage, heirloom, relic, bequest, heirdom hibah grant, bequest Definisi bequest nomina a legacy. her $135,000 was the largest bequest the library ever has received sinonim: legacy, inheritance, endowment, settlement, estate, heritage, bestowal, devise, hereditament Sinonim nomina …
Terjemahan dari equivocal adjektiva samar vague, cryptic, dim, disguised, hazy, equivocal taksa equivocal samar-samar equivocal, dim, vague, hazy, nebulous, uncertain kurang tegas equivocal yg mempunyai dua arti equivocal yg diragukan dubious, questionable, equivocal, ambiguous, clouded, fishy Definisi equivocal adjektiva open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous. the equivocal nature of her remarks sinonim: ambiguous, indefinite, …