
Terjemahan dari undertaker
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Definisi undertaker
a person whose business is preparing dead bodies for burial or cremation and making arrangements for funerals.
All burials and cremations are arranged by professional undertakers .
sinonim: funeral director, mortician
funeral director, mortician
We can’t do anything now, but in the morning I’ll write to the doctor, her lawyer, and the undertaker .
I hadn’t made arrangements with an undertaker and the phone rang off the hook with calls from New York.
He also operated a local undertaker ‘s business to which he brought his own wonderful sense of dignity and perspective.
Straight after the funeral the undertaker gave us all the paperwork and had it in a folder for us, and said this was for our keeping, just to look at later.
Michael served as an auctioneer from 1955 to 1997 and as a funeral undertaker and shopkeeper up to the time of his death.
And he said a local undertaker had told him he had arranged at least four funerals after fatalities on that stretch of road over the last 20 years.
Just before the funeral, the undertaker came up to the elderly widow and asked: ‘How old was your husband?’
The local undertaker carried the body into town for embalming, then returned it to the ranch where it was laid out in the living room.
When she died, her father arranged for the undertaker to pick up her body from the hospital on a Saturday.
When all the arrangements had been made, I told the undertaker , whom Papa called Digger, that I wanted to see my father.
When we went into the undertaker to arrange a grave, they said it had all been taken care of.
Look at it this way: when an epidemic hits, you need doctors to tend to the sick and undertakers to bury the dead.
The family undertakers receive the remains and prepare them, lovingly beautifying them in the white-tiled basement embalming room for the reassurance of the people left behind.
They also thanked the choir, servers, undertakers , and everyone who attended the funeral.
Last December, he had the first of four cardiac arrests, which made him so ill he consulted solicitors to make a will and undertakers to plan his funeral – and even ordered his gravestone.
There are 30 undertakers and about 8,500 funerals held a year in Dublin.
All burials and cremations are arranged by professional undertakers .
Families started hiring undertakers to prepare the deceased for burial.
The package includes services provided by the state mortuary, contracted undertakers , transport of the body, coffin and religious minister.
The family have asked the funeral undertakers not to disclose any details of the arrangements leading up to the burial.



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