Terjemahan dari relinquish verba melepaskan release, let go, let, remove, disconnect, relinquish Definisi relinquish verba voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up. he relinquished his managerial role to become chief executive sinonim: renounce, give up/away, hand over, let go of; leave, resign from, stand down from, bow out of, give up, quit, chuck; discontinue, …
Terjemahan dari detour nomina jalan memutar detour penyimpangan deviation, aberration, distortion, drift, diversion, detour pemutaran turning, reversal, detour Definisi detour nomina a long or roundabout route taken to avoid something or to visit somewhere along the way. he had made a detour to a cafe verba take a long or roundabout route. he detoured around …
Terjemahan dari covert adjektiva tersembunyi hidden, secret, ulterior, covert, latent, occult bersuami married, covert, hitched, ringed samar vague, cryptic, dim, disguised, hazy, covert samar-samar equivocal, dim, vague, hazy, nebulous, covert tdk terang-terangan covert, devious, hole-and-corner nomina persembunyian hewan covert hutan lebat covert semak lebat covert Definisi covert adjektiva not openly acknowledged or displayed. covert operations …
Terjemahan dari once adverbia sekali once, very, so, much, too, extremely pernah ever, once tahu once nomina suatu waktu once suatu kejadian once konjungsi segera sesudah once Definisi once adverbia on one occasion or for one time only. they deliver once a week sinonim: on one occasion, one time, one single time at some time …
Terjemahan dari concur verba setuju agree, concur, approve, sympathize, be in agreement, come around sependapat agree, concur, accord bertepatan coincide, concur, consist terjadi bersamaan concur sependirian agree, concur, accord bertindak bersamaan concur, conspire Definisi concur verba be of the same opinion; agree. the authors concurred with the majority sinonim: agree, be in agreement, go along, …