
Terjemahan dari superiority
excellence, superiority, primacy, supremacy, predominance, eminence
excess, surplus, redundancy, superiority, overage, spillover
virtue, superiority, eminence, eminency
prominence, superiority, predominance, skill, predominancy, supremacy
Definisi superiority
the state of being superior.
an attempt to establish superiority over others
sinonim: supremacy, advantage, lead, dominance, primacy, ascendancy, eminence
  • supremacy, advantage, lead, dominance, primacy, ascendancy, eminence
  • high quality
  • transcendency, transcendence
  • This, unfortunately, tended to manifest as an often crudely expressed affectation of superiority .
  • the allies have achieved air superiority
  • What might happen if he allowed himself to leave the safety of haughty solitude and moral superiority , to love other human beings who are beyond his control?
  • It was with such airs of superiority that I spent every free moment during my two years at Yale buried in the corner of the library.
  • In his gallery of caricatures are the British who brought with them imperialistic arrogance and a powerful sense of cultural superiority .
  • Building on relative superiority is achieved by comparing products systematically with competitors and investing selectively either to improve the attractiveness of the product or to reduce the cost.
  • I believe a free society can be achieved only by convincing our fellow men of its superiority over possible alternatives.
  • At higher graphics quality settings the newer graphics core proves its superiority , though.he attacked the media’s smug superiority
  • an attempt to establish superiority over others
  • We chose this case because it was not a simple story of one innovation’s demonstrable technical and economic superiority over an incumbent rival.
  • There’s nothing like a worm attack that spares Linux to bring out the smug superiority in Linux users.
  • he attacked the media’s smug superiority
  • Both detectives soon come to blows over how to handle the case, each totally convinced of theirsuperiority over the other until the killer strikes again, and again.
  • Things go wrong, however, when that develops into an undeserved superiority over other ideas.
  • These facilities can help the US military quickly gain air superiority throughout Central Asia, and even into the Middle East.
Baca Juga  Huddle
This cast and this production prove their superiority again here and serve the script well, neither overplaying the melodrama or underemphasizing the pain.
The worst sin of all was ‘side’ – showing off either wealth or intellectual superiority .
This includes challenging our sense of moral, political, military, cultural and religious superiority over others.
It reinforces a sense of superiority in a society that says it doesn’t believe in classes, and it allows Americans to establish feelings of dominance and superiority over others.
The heathens then justify their own machinations – like public humiliations, for starters – with an ugly air of moral superiority .
Neither teacher nor student should have superiority over the other in this pedagogic arrangement.
This air of religious superiority informed their efforts to Christianize the ‘heathen’ Indians.
He’d love to flaunt the weapon like that under the very nose of the detective, further establishing his intellectual superiority over the dumb cop.
the allies have achieved air superiority
The main weakness of the tradition is an attitude of campy superiority , one that can quickly become self-congratulatory.
True, his whole attitude is one of superiority , but it is more playful in nature.
The reason was the absolute perfection of her appearance and her air of invincible superiority .
The practical results also suggest its superiority over the rivals, as we have just seen from the performance graph above.
And like most messy people, I harbor a sense of superiority over neatniks; I’m simply too busy to waste time shuffling papers.
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[…] the handicapped person is often treated as a pariah. Most people hold themselves aloof from normal contact with […]

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