
Terjemahan dari evince
show, exhibit, reveal, display, disclose, evince
prove, attest, demonstrate, verify, establish, evince
menunjukkan dgn jelas
Definisi evince
reveal the presence of (a quality or feeling).
his letters evince the excitement he felt at undertaking this journey
  • reveal, show, make plain, manifest, indicate, display, exhibit, demonstrate, evidence, attest to, convey, communicate, proclaim, bespeak, ooze
  • express, show
So journalists, broadcasters and politicians, and those who are often in the public eye, such as community and business leaders, wield immense power over but evince little loyalty to our language.
What makes the new policy’s promulgation politically possible is the lack of interest most Americansevince in foreign affairs, save matters of war and peace.
One thing that Grant’s posts do evince is that scientific illiteracy increases the opportunities for apt marketers to take advantage of a public incapable of distinguishing between anecdote and evidence.
What’s striking about many of these comments is the level of hostility they evince toward religion in general and Christianity in particular.
his letters evince the excitement he felt at undertaking this journey
This presentation evinces just the same kind of reaction.
Her subjects are details of domestic interiors that show wear, each smudge evincing past occupants and lost times.
Encouragingly, they are now evincing interest in entrepreneurship, and are getting into a productive realm much beyond mere economic self-independence.
The change from first person singular to plural evinces his embarrassment.
Laboratory mice deficient in the gene were found to consume excessive amounts of alcohol, preferring ethanol to water and evincing highly anxious behavior in a maze test.
If the dramatic developments for the last two months are any indication, it seems the State Government has not evinced any interest to solve the problem.
However, while respondents evinced strong preference for having a say in their choice or party candidates, they were more ambivalent about how much autonomy MPs should have from their party once they arrived in parliament.
Hardly moved in, he evinced not the slightest discomfort with rugless floors, shadeless bulbs, and an unseasonable chill.
Placing the viewer directly beneath the forms of the rocks, she evinces an appreciation of the sheer weight and power of nature worthy of the Surrealists.
Speaking of his craft, he evinces a paternal affection for his beer.
On the other hand, a bad idea remains exactly that, no matter how well it is evinced in a story.
Despite such frustrating responses, Harris evinces remarkably little bitterness.
I bring it up every so often just to test the waters, which are getting less chilly, but he still evincesquite a bit of hesitation.
The nostalgia evinced in such iconographic readings is also, Shaw argues, built into the very form of the image.
Nearly 18 organisations, including those of the State and Central Governments and big industries in the private sector, had evinced interest in the products.
Here is a person who has evinced keen interest in photography, freelance journalism, photojournalism, trekking, river rafting, and collection of coins and stamps.
But this judgment evinces too much cynicism about American culture.
Consistent with our hypothesis, our study revealed that unpopular children who evinced stronger emotional Stroop responses showed the greatest risk for depressive symptoms.
It also looks silly and evinces contempt from car-drivers, proper motorcyclists and even pedestrians, but I don’t care.
Many foreigners have been evincing a keen interest in taking up research programmes in Sanskrit.
They consistently lie to the press when talking about security, as evinced again and again by their actions.
Physical examination showed an alert newborn, evincing mucoid nasal discharge, and teary eyes.
This book evinces a buoyant confidence and a relaxed visionary quality.
It was an indication of the interest evinced by music enthusiasts, who were now much more open to classical music.
This is one quality that Bennett has evinced throughout his work, and he understands well why it’s so important.
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