Terjemahan dari litigation nomina proses pengadilan litigation jalannya perkara litigation Definisi litigation nomina the process of taking legal action. the company wishes to avoid litigation sinonim: legal proceedings, legal action, lawsuit, legal dispute, legal case, case, suit, prosecution, indictment Sinonim nomina legal proceedings, legal action, lawsuit, legal dispute, legal case, case, suit, prosecution,indictment judicial proceeding …
Terjemahan dari rout verba mengusir drive away, drive out, repel, cast out, evict, rout menghancurkan destroy, crush, smash, ruin, demolish, rout mencukur shave, shear, razor, rout, walk over, lick mengalahkan sama sekali rout, conk, put to rout, defeat utterly, smite nomina kekalahan defeat, whopping, loss, losing, rout, drubbing berontak rout, ruction sampah masyarakat ragtag, crum, …
Terjemahan dari pretext nomina dalih pretext, excuse, subterfuge, plea, alibi, evasion helah ruse, trick, excuse, pretext elah pretext, trick, excuse helat celebration, pretext, trick, excuse sambilan sideline, pretense, avocation, pretext, branch, pretence Definisi pretext nomina a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason. the rebels had the …
Terjemahan dari vanquish verba menundukkan subdue, subjugate, down, subject, conquer, vanquish mengalahkan beat, defeat, overcome, overpower, beat out, vanquish menaklukkan conquer, subdue, subjugate, vanquish, subject, down mengatasi overcome, cope with, surmount, get over, outgrow, vanquish Definisi vanquish verba defeat thoroughly. Mexican forces vanquished the French army in a battle in Puebla sinonim: conquer, defeat, beat, …
Terjemahan dari timorous adjektiva malu ashamed, embarrassed, shy, timid, sheepish, timorous malu-malu shy, bashful, embarrassed, chary, humble, timorous pengejut fainthearted, timorous, rabbit-hearted, lily-livered gugup nervous, jittery, jumpy, twitchy, confused, timorous takut-takutan coward, rabbit-hearted, craven, currish, timid, timorous Definisi timorous adjektiva showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence. a timorous voice Sinonim …