
Terjemahan dari ascetic
ascetic, hermit, recluse, solitary, solitaire, retreatant
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Definisi ascetic
characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons.
an ascetic life of prayer, fasting, and manual labor
sinonim: austere, self-denying, abstinent, abstemious, self-disciplined, self-abnegating, simple, puritanical, monastic, reclusive, eremitic, hermitic, celibate, chaste
a person who practices severe self-discipline and abstention.
The composition of hymns of the Rig-Veda was done by Hindu recluses, ascetics , Rishis and Sages rooted in the realities of life inside the society.
sinonim: abstainer, puritan, recluse, hermit, anchorite, solitary, fakir, Sufi, dervish, sadhu, eremite
  • austere, self-denying, abstinent, abstemious, self-disciplined, self-abnegating, simple,puritanical, monastic, reclusive, eremitic, hermitic, celibate, chaste
  • ascetical
  • spartan, austere, ascetical
  • abstainer, puritan, recluse, hermit, anchorite, solitary, fakir, Sufi, dervish, sadhu, eremite
  • abstainer
He himself lived a rigorously ascetic life and observed the monastic precepts faithfully.
His earlier life of self-indulgence had been unsatisfying, as was his six-year experiment with asceticpenances.
Indeed most martial arts are based on the creations of Chinese ascetic monks almost a thousand years ago.
Nor will we gain any great wisdom through the more punitive, ascetic methods.
He walked away from every system of thought and every ascetic setup that was offered to him as an alternative.
Cornet always led a frugal and ascetic life, able to live contentedly for weeks on end with the same menu of rice and dried fish.
These three constitute the Supernal Triad – those spheres which are wholly outside the realm of direct human experience for all but the most disciplined and ascetic individuals.
While there is not too much on the theology of the cross, or on the phenomenon of monasticism, all authors speak from the reality of a crucified, ascetic tradition.
My tastes are modest to the point of ascetic austerity.
Yet the texts are firmly part of the later medieval world: the first two come from the writings of visionary women mystics and the last from a rigorously ascetic monastic theologian.
Buddhism requires ascetic behaviour, including fasting, by its monks, but not from other followers.
The people communicate with him by way of ascetic disciplines on certain sacred mountains.
True spirituality, or godliness, is found in everyday social relationships as well as in prayer, learning, orascetic practices.
I was simply fighting against what I perceived as biblical, doctrinal, and ascetic fundamentalism.
For Brendan, salvation is best accomplished through the monastic way, understood as a combination of ascetic practices and liturgical observance.
Bernard’s over-rigorous pursuit of ascetic discipline adversely affected his health.
Sufism emphasises the more mystical and ascetic aspects of the religion.
The seventies were very sleek and empty, more concerned with structure, form, and a certain kind ofascetic rigorousness.
The motive was mainly ascetic , but was in part connected with the greater authority which, in antiquity, attached to such renunciation.
It will doubtless surprise some viewers to learn that the monks’ daily routine is not dominated by the strict, ascetic activities one might suppose.
The composition of hymns of the Rig-Veda was done by Hindu recluses, ascetics , Rishis and Sages rooted in the realities of life inside the society.
The ascetics would go out and, with great exertion, meditate for months and years under a tree or leaning against a boulder.
Buddhist monks spend twenty years living ascetically and meditating for hours at a time before they presume to believe that they have conquered all selfish desires.
Missionaries in the African churches, and probably elsewhere, were normally unmarried ascetics living in the utmost simplicity.
The family lived rather ascetically .
Brahmins and ascetics play their part, but their roles are secondary to those of Ayodhya’s ruling family, and the monkey and demon warriors.
The same goes for gnostic Christianity, where we had the strict ascetics on the one hand and the extreme libertines on the other.
They appear as often as not in religious contexts and associated with marginal Christian groups, whether ascetics or heretics.
She had lived ascetically to the point where she destroyed her fragile mental and physical health.
A special sanctity often attached to religious hermits and saintly ascetics , who were revered for their piety and sought out for the healing abilities of the blessed power attributed to them.
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[…] for what he considered to be his previous life of sin. First she would clean himself by becoming an ascetic; then he would study Hindu wisdom in order to be prepared to help his suffering people. After six […]

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