Terjemahan dari chore nomina pekerjaan rumah homework, chore, outwork kelagepan chore pekerjaan yg tdk tetap odd job, char, chore pekerjaan sehari-hari chore, groove Definisi chore nomina a routine task, especially a household one. Girls as young as four and five are expected to help with household chores and to care for their younger siblings. sinonim: …
Definisi wacko nomina a crazy person. In any case, I do think that trying to characterize the anti-war movement by the wackos is just what I said: a misrepresentation of the political opposition. adjektiva mad; insane. his willingness to pursue every wacko idea that enters his mind Sinonim nomina whacko, nutter Contoh Maybe agreeing with …
Terjemahan dari discern verba melihat see, view, look, notice, sight, discern memahami understand, grasp, comprehend, realize, conceive, discern mencamkan imbibe, impress, discern, pay close attention, fix, convince Definisi discern verba perceive or recognize (something). I can discern no difference between the two policies Sinonim verba perceive, make out, pick out, detect, recognize, notice, observe, see, …
Terjemahan dari feigned adjektiva tiruan artificial, counterfeit, semblant, dummy, simulated, feigned dibuat-buat artificial, illusive, mock, synthetic, synthetical, feigned pura-pura pretended, affected, assumed, seeming, mock, feigned dibikin-bikin affected, airy, far-fetched, forced, strained, feigned Definisi feign adjektiva simulated or pretended; insincere. her eyes widened with feigned shock verba pretend to be affected by (a feeling, state, or …
Terjemahan dari malt nomina gandum terendam air malt Definisi malt verba convert (grain) into malt. barley is grown for malting Sinonim nomina malted milk, malted malt liquor Contoh So your best bets are brown rice syrup and barley malt , which are higher in nutrient content and are metabolized more slowly than white sugar. malt …