
Terjemahan dari castigate
punish, penalize, condemn, convict, sentence, castigate
denounce, reproach, criticize, blame, deprecate, castigate
criticize, censure, excoriate, clobber, attack, castigate
cavil, keelhaul, stigmatize, excoriate, criticize, castigate
memberi hukuman berat
Definisi castigate
reprimand (someone) severely.
he was castigated for not setting a good example
sinonim: reprimand, rebuke, admonish, chastise, chide, censure, upbraid, reprove, reproach, scold, berate, take to task, lambaste, give someone a piece of one’s mind, rake/haul over the coals, tell off, give someone an earful, give someone a tongue-lashing, give someone a roasting, rap someone on the knuckles, slap someone’s wrist, dress down, bawl out, give someone hell, blow up at, lay into, blast, zing, have a go at, give someone what for, chew out, ream out, reprehend
  • reprimand, rebuke, admonish, chastise, chide, censure, upbraid, reprove, reproach, scold,berate, take to task, lambaste, give someone a piece of one’s mind, rake/haul over the coals,tell off, give someone an earful, give someone a tongue-lashing, give someone a roasting, rap someone on the knuckles, slap someone’s wrist, dress down, bawl out, give someone hell,blow up at, lay into, blast, zing, have a go at, give someone what for, chew out, ream out,reprehend
  • objurgate, chasten, correct, chastise
This is why we castigate our leaders – our political leaders, our church leaders and our society leaders.
A friend used to castigate me for not wearing a belt.
The most common response was to castigate the reporter for daring to criticize a sacred cow hereabouts, weblogs.
Moreover, there’s no point in castigating the losers.
She gets severely striped there but causes further mayhem and is sent on to an even more castigatoryestablishment.
Whenever a politician takes a definite and contentious view on any issue, he or she is castigated for daring to articulate that opinion.
And just a few days ago I was castigating someone else for being a thin-skinned Narcissist.
He had castigated the team for, among other things, unprofessionalism and indiscipline.
The former schoolmaster was never happy with the media when they were castigating him for years of failure with Edinburgh and, if anything, he appears even less comfortable now the press that he receives is universally favourable.
He castigated the officials who had sent the girls out to compete on a less than level playing field.
I could say more but, it being the season to be jolly, I will refrain from further castigating my friends in the legal profession.
How come society winked indulgently at his ‘excesses’ while reserving stern castigation for the rest?
You must forgive my candor, I am not castigating you… I don’t know the extent to which the Bill was accessible.
It was for his denial of the doctrine of karma and the efficacy of the religious effort that the Buddhacastigated him so severely.
Words such as ‘diatribe’ and ‘hypocrisy’ have been hurled at me by my castigator on the Isle of Skye.
It’s been a bitter debate, with many castigating reporters of the case as conspiracy theorists and worse.
After the disastrous tour of New Zealand, the media was castigating the team, we replied with a good World Cup campaign.
The Tadcaster castigator concludes: ‘Thankful I am that my generation were able to learn the art of home baking without the need for a kitchen that was filled to the gunwales with culinary gadgets.’
In recent weeks, the Manchester United captain has resembled a walking volcano, castigating his colleagues for their deficiencies as the club finished a troubled campaign trophy-less.
In print, on his radio show and in private, the growling newshound frequently castigates reporters for not breaking bigger and better stories.
His success at this owed a lot to the fact that he was able to play ‘judge, jury, prosecutor, castigator , and press agent, all in one.’
The actress tells of how she was so infuriated by the letter that she wrote a reply, castigating the woman for assuming she knew her parents’ beliefs better than she did.
He castigates prize judges for giving the top awards to books for reason extrinsic to literature.
I just wanted to be absolutely clear on this because I’ve gotten a number of emails castigating me for pretending that.
From the small arsenal of instruments of punishment and torture on display, visitors will gain a graphic idea of crime and castigation .
The system needs to change, but the castigatory way we deal with mentally ill people who commit crimes seems to be caught in amber.
‘What we should be doing, rather than castigating anyone or laying blame is encouraging people to come forward and show civic spirit,’ he said.
You wouldn’t believe the castigation I received, especially from members of the board, for even entertaining such an idea.
The repetition and hyperbole involved in castigatory preaching approach suggest, paradoxically, its limited effect.
Do not take this as a castigatory remark designed to wound and maim.
Baca Juga  Bumpy
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