passionate, enthusiastic, skittish, zippy, keen, ardent
sangat rajin
yg bernafsu
passionate, ardent, heated, torrid
an ardent baseball fan
passionate, enthusiastic, skittish, zippy, keen, ardent
sangat rajin
yg bernafsu
passionate, ardent, heated, torrid
an ardent baseball fan
Artikel Sumber It is difficult to change someone‘s opinion by badgering him. The child who begs his mother to “get off his back” when she implores him for some assistance with the household drudgery, may very well plead interminably for some special privilege when he wants something for himself. How paradoxical that neither is able …
Terjemahan dari feature nomina ciri feature, characteristic, trait, mark, merits, attribute sifat nature, character, trait, property, characteristic, feature keistimewaan feature, distinction, idiosyncrasy, singularity corak complexion, feature, color, hue, type, design segi aspect, facet, side, angle, feature, sector artikel article, item, column, feature film utama feature karangan essay, composition, article, writing, paper, feature verba menonjolkan accentuate, …
Terjemahan dari mingle verba bergaul associate, mingle, interact, socialize, intercommunicate, assort bercampur mix, mingle, commingle, intermix, amalgamate, alloy bercampur aduk mingle, mix, intermix, commingle, alloy, amalgamate Definisi mingle verba mix or cause to mix together. the sound of voices mingled with a scraping of chairs sinonim: mix, blend, intermingle, intermix, interweave, interlace, combine, merge, fuse, …
Terjemahan dari sentient nomina kesadaran awareness, consciousness, realization, conscious, awakening, sentient mahluk berakal sentient mahluk yg dpt merasa sentient adjektiva yg dpt merasa sensate, sentient yg dpt melihat sentient Definisi sentient adjektiva able to perceive or feel things. she had been instructed from birth in the equality of all sentient life forms sinonim: (capable of) …
Terjemahan dari thus adverbia demikian so, thus, accordingly, like that, sic jadi so, thus, therefore, ergo begini like this, here, thus hingga thus Definisi thus adverbia as a result or consequence of this; therefore. Burke knocked out Byrne, thus becoming champion sinonim: consequently, as a consequence, in consequence, thereby, so, that being so, therefore, ergo, …