Terjemahan dari coagulant nomina zat pengental coagulant Definisi coagulant nomina a substance that causes blood or another liquid to coagulate. Virtually every major type of water treatment chemical is used by the pulp and paper industry; coagulants and corrosion inhibitors are the two leading product families. Sinonim nomina coagulator Contoh I’ll give a sedative, then …
Terjemahan dari commiserate verba menaruh simpati commiserate menunjukkan rasa simpati commiserate menunjukkan belas kasihan commiserate turut berduka cita commiserate Definisi commiserate verba express or feel sympathy or pity; sympathize. she went over to commiserate with Rose on her unfortunate circumstances sinonim: offer sympathy to, be sympathetic to, offer condolences to, condole with, sympathize with, empathize …
Terjemahan dari imprudent adjektiva lalai negligent, remiss, neglectful, lax, derelict, imprudent tdk berhati-hati imprudent, hell-bent, incautious, indiscreet tdk hati-hati inadvertent, inobservant, imprudent, remiss, off guard Definisi imprudent adjektiva not showing care for the consequences of an action; rash. it would be imprudent to leave her winter coat behind sinonim: unwise, injudicious, incautious, indiscreet, misguided, ill-advised, …
Terjemahan dari ultimate adjektiva terakhir last, final, latter, latest, ultimate, ending penghabisan final, ultimate, last pokok principal, main, staple, key, central, ultimate asal native, ultimate, germinal, parental Definisi ultimate adjektiva being or happening at the end of a process; final. their ultimate aim was to force his resignation sinonim: eventual, final, concluding, terminal, end, resulting, …
Terjemahan dari gleeful adjektiva gembira happy, excited, glad, delighted, elated, gleeful riang carefree, cheerful, exuberant, merry, jolly, gleeful riang gembira chirpy, joyous, effervescent, joyful, gleeful, sprightly Definisi gleeful adjektiva exuberantly or triumphantly joyful. she gave a gleeful chuckle sinonim: delighted, pleased, joyful, happy, glad, overjoyed, elated, euphoric, amused, mirthful, merry, exuberant, jubilant, over the moon …