As discussed in the 100% Human Theory, several descendants of ADHAMA still have 100% ability, such as the MOSRAM Nation, TARX, and ZNÉZNÉLA. It is said that they are descendants of the 16th generation.
As well as the habits of other nations with 100% ability, they like to develop their nation by cloning. The shape of the clone is deliberately formed differently from the direct descendants that are naturally obtained. How come the shape is ugly, huh? Yes, the odds are that many laypeople are offended if they are called alien strains that have weird shapes. Ah, it’s bad for us. Very likely, according to them, they are handsome and pretty 😀
Some Prominent Figures
The king of the BROPA nation died at the hands of ARKHYIREMA.
Daughter of TRENDAVA, beautiful, with a mastery of energy almost 100%. One of the figures who pursued and searched for Arkhytirema with 3 other great nation’s daughters. To provoke the emergence of the Arkhytirema, they caused a lot of chaos at ARDH GRUMMA.
One of the nations of BROPA, a LORT businessman. He dealt with ARKHYTIREMA because of the persecution of the LILUA Nation.
Some Technology
The Nation’s Technology of BROPA throws all energy into other dimensions, then makes a sponge bubble in the plane so that all the crew can survive because the crew has been enveloped in a kind of ejection sponge that is resistant to all collisions. This technology makes the aircraft not explode if it falls or is hit by any impact.
The aircraft made by the BROPA Nation, the SINTRXA 7 series, was made in 312 ORIGOM KRVKA, in the mid-year number TROLTGA. This aircraft is an intergalactic spacecraft, 63756 meters in diameter, or nearly 64 kilometers.
This aircraft is very sophisticated but has the disadvantage of not being resistant to TERKLAZ waves, or Electromagnetic modification, pulses of light intensity that are converted into electromagnetic frequencies. This aircraft is made of GRAVOK metal, which is a mixture of GARLENNA, KRAIMAN, and VOKRAG metals. The third mixture of this metal will indeed be very strong in overcoming any impact, including when forming asteroids and planets, it will also not melt by the Stars. This metal mixing technology uses KROVEDR, which is molecular lighting technology with the principle of separating the smallest element from each metal particle, called FLORKA. To overcome this wave, each aircraft is equipped with a kind of shield or anti TERKLAZ shield. But it actually causes the loss of GRAVOK. As a result, the production was stopped only reaching three aircraft, because it was considered ineffective, wasting the USE of the project. Finally, three of the aircraft were given a friend of the BROPA Nation who was deemed meritorious.
Some Technology
The Nation’s Technology of BROPA throws all energy into other dimensions, then makes a sponge bubble in the plane so that all the crew can survive because the crew has been enveloped in a kind of ejection sponge that is resistant to all collisions. This technology makes the aircraft not explode if it falls or is hit by any impact.
The aircraft made by the BROPA Nation, the SINTRXA 7 series, was made in 312 ORIGOM KRVKA, in the mid-year number TROLTGA. This aircraft is an intergalactic spacecraft, 63756 meters in diameter, or nearly 64 kilometers.
This aircraft is very sophisticated but has the disadvantage of not being resistant to TERKLAZ waves, or Electromagnetic modification, pulses of light intensity converted into electromagnetic frequencies. This aircraft is made of GRAVOK metal, a mixture of GARLENNA, KRAIMAN, and VOKRAG metals. The third mixture of this metal will be very strong in overcoming any impact, including when forming asteroids and planets; it will also not melt by the Stars. This metal mixing technology uses KROVEDR, molecular lighting technology with the principle of separating the smallest element from each metal particle, called FLORKA. Each aircraft is equipped with a kind of shield or anti-TERKLAZ shield to overcome this wave. But it causes the loss of GRAVOK. As a result, the production was stopped, only reaching three aircraft, because it was considered ineffective, wasting the USE of the project. Finally, three of the aircraft were given to a friend of the BROPA Nation deemed meritorious.