

Juxtapose artinya menempatkan berdampingan

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Other paintings in the show juxtapose cinematic effects with sections that insist upon the obdurate flatness of the picture’s surface.

His whole idea of art is to juxtapose sound, musical associations and imagery together, as well as film, and collage effects.

She divides their stories into helpfully labeled chapters that juxtapose their stories at each stage.

Voltaire ridicules an old-school philosophical system by juxtaposing it with horrific historical reality.

By juxtaposing these elements, he not only achieves a variety in his compositions, but also employs means provided by a stark contrast in his experience as a tangentially urbanised painter.

I was lifting and collaging sentences and sections from all sorts of popular publications and juxtaposing them for effect.

We produce the effect of counterpoint by juxtaposing lineal periods with grammatical periods.

Hence, the film juxtaposes real-life footage of deep sea dives with imagined special effects of what life might look like on other planets in the solar system.

By juxtaposing their class differences, Harper uses economic contrast to suggest that gender perspectives are related to class consciousness.

Some fascinating comparisons are achieved by juxtaposing the liberty and exclusivity of the traditions of the synagogue with those of the illegal trade of the mafia.

A kind of levelling has taken place, in which works co-exist in democratic if sometimes odd juxtapositions .

Herman’s juxtapositional method usually helps her to ground ethical concerns in analyses of how difference and affiliation could be conceived in the period and thus to avoid reducing modernist community to a proleptic postmodernism.

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Another interesting thread is the juxtaposition of traditional and contemporary practice.

Search out the remarkable ‘Still Life’ on the right wall and marvel at the adventurous use of juxtapositional colour: reds and pinks and greens that only a master can get away with.

The artist’s choice of juxtaposing a partially blurred image with a clear one serves to vindicate her own, paint-like style.

The magazine had a history of such juxtapositions .

When two contrary elements are juxtaposed , the sudden surprise catches us off guard.

In juxtaposing a photograph with other elements, Woodman brought together different time spans, historical and spatial contexts and art forms for a totally surreal effect.

The novel juxtaposes three stories of the effects of state violence on marginalized bodies across the African diaspora.

These large contrasts are buttressed by many particulars, as Brooks carefully juxtaposes her protagonist to Eliot’s.

Adie’s visually-illustrated stage show charts the role women have played in conflict throughout the ages, juxtaposing their part in wartime history with the garments they wore.

In a culturally plural world, subjectivity and intersubjectivity have an accommodating, juxtapositional complexity that binary distinctions misrepresent.

Such are the juxtapositions of this holiday season.

It is essentially a juxtapositional art and can arise from cut-up, chance procedures or collage techniques, though it is not exclusive to any of these.

Your onslaught ended by juxtaposing my yoga discipline with the ‘mess’ in my Scottsdale apartment.

The Animal Liberation Project involves a display of panels juxtaposing graphic images of slavery and other human abuse with pictures of chained animals.

He juxtaposes each work with an analogous or contrasting story from the Bible and often relates these to modern experience, especially those of college students.

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Note the coincidental juxtaposition of these two Summer-themed songs.

At the most literal level, a juxtapositional diction and syntax are primary to her poetics.

Warm melodic figures are juxtaposed with harsher percussive patterns, setting up some fascinating contrasts in sound.

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