hypocritical, specious, prudish, goody, sanctimonious, fulsome
drab, dull, boring, tedious, tiresome, fulsome
yg memuakkan
loathful, loathsome, repulsive, disgusting, repugnant, fulsome
yg memualkan
repulsive, disgusting, loathsome, loathful, repugnant, fulsome
they are almost embarrassingly fulsome in their appreciation
a fulsome harvest
- excessive, extravagant, overdone, immoderate, inordinate, over-appreciative, flattering,adulatory, fawning, unctuous, ingratiating, cloying, saccharine, enthusiastic, effusive,rapturous, glowing, gushing, profuse, generous, lavish, over the top, smarmy
- oleaginous, oily, soapy, buttery, smarmy, unctuous
[…] providing Siddhartha with instruction in riding, fencing, dancing, and painting – while lavishing fulsome praise upon him. It wasn’t until the Prince was thirty that he took the first step which led to […]