
Terjemahan dari vanity
vanity, pride, conceit, swagger, hubris, ostentation
pride, snobbery, hubris, vanity, conceit, pomposity
futility, vanity, senselessness
Definisi vanity
excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements.
it flattered his vanity to think I was in love with him
sinonim: conceit, narcissism, self-love, self-admiration, self-absorption, self-regard, egotism, pride, arrogance, boastfulness, cockiness, swagger, rodomontade, big-headedness, vainglory
the quality of being worthless or futile.
the vanity of human wishes
sinonim: futility, uselessness, pointlessness, worthlessness, fruitlessness
a dressing table.
Upon examining the rest of the drawers, she realized it was more of a vanity than a desk.
  • conceit, narcissism, self-love, self-admiration, self-absorption, self-regard, egotism, pride,arrogance, boastfulness, cockiness, swagger, rodomontade, big-headedness, vainglory
  • futility, uselessness, pointlessness, worthlessness, fruitlessness
  • toilet table, dressing table, dresser
  • self-love, amour propre, conceit
  • conceitedness, conceit
  • emptiness
Lebih sedikit sinonim
Now this old-style board is used to add texture to a new knee wall that provides privacy without restricting light between the vanity and toilet.
Every now and then, a vanity press mogul makes a go of his venture.
“Nowadays men are also indulging their vanity .
There was a small vanity with a stool in front of it with an assortment of perfumes and make up covering the top.
My vanity and pride was slightly bruised, though, and that serves me right.
a vanity press
But his vanity , pettiness and egocentrism exasperated even his closest friends.
I’m glad now that I had a strict Jesuit education and upbringing, including all the nagging neuroses about self-control and vanity .
His greatest weakness may well be his seemingly fathomless personal vanity .
One simply did not undertake surgical procedures for vanity ‘s sake, he was told upon his dismissal.
So pity the poor book reviewer, her desk piled high with vanity press or self-published dross.
When they got to the bathroom, he set her down on the stool by the vanity .
Looking from her view on the bed across the way was a pretty oak vanity with a good size mirror.
Installing a new bathroom vanity is an easy way to spruce up the look of a bathroom and provide improved storage space.
Plenty of storage is provided beneath the vanity , and small niches for bath essentials are built into the shower wall to eliminate the need for caddies.
This worked so well that I added a pair of similar racks inside the doors of my bathroom vanity .
They might consider the bounty of the earth, in one mood, or the vanity of human wishes and desires in another.
He composed another poem on the vanity of worldliness.
the vanity of human wishes
My bedroom has my bed and my vanity and my bathroom connected to it.
I’ve just come across a vanity publishing firm called Blogbinders, which turns blog content into bound volumes.
Indeed, critical readers might suspect that the vanity press outlet was the only way these articles could get into print.
A bar stool is used as a chair for the high vanity .
The real books were worth buying and reading, the self-published were from vanity presses.
it flattered his vanity to think I was in love with him
But human vanity being what it is, such logic seldom prevails.
It’s critical, in-depth and insightful, rather than just vanity publishing.
Backroom describes itself as essentially a vanity press, only capable of publishing work with the benefit of private backing.
This is not, however, a simple tale of vanity or excessive consumption.
Once their pride and vanity has been wounded it takes a long time to recover.
Baca Juga  Phlegmatic
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[…] was known for his moralistic study of upper and middle class English life. His best known work, VANITY FAIR, has its central character Becky Sharp. She is a perfidious woman who has an insatiable desire […]

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