Terjemahan dari breakthrough nomina penerobosan breakthrough, breach pemecahan solution, resolution, breaking, splitting, breakthrough, fission Definisi breakthrough nomina a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development. a major breakthrough in DNA research sinonim: advance, development, step forward, success, improvement, discovery, innovation, revolution, progress, headway Sinonim break through nomina advance, development, step forward, success, improvement, discovery, innovation,revolution, …
Terjemahan dari prodigal adjektiva boros extravagant, profligate, lavish, spendthrift, prodigal, profuse royal generous, extravagant, lavish, prodigal, unsparing, wasteful limpah affluent, abundant, overflow, prodigal nomina pemboros spender, waster, spendthrift, wastrel, prodigal, profligate Definisi prodigal adjektiva spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant. prodigal habits die hard sinonim: wasteful, extravagant, spendthrift, profligate, improvident, imprudent having …
Hesitation because of fear Comments comments
Terjemahan dari perturb verba mengganggu interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, perturb mengusik harass, tease, touch, perturb, pick on mencemaskan worry, thrill, perturb, put about, frighten, disturb menyusahkan trouble, distress, burden, inconvenience, pester, perturb membingungkan confuse, baffle, puzzle, mystify, confound, perturb menggelisahkan agitate, discomfort, alarm, worry, fidget, perturb Definisi perturb verba make (someone) anxious or unsettled. …
Terjemahan dari descend verba turun down, fall, go down, drop, get off, descend menuruni descend, climb down menghinggapi descend, get attacked by, alight, light hinggap perch, alight, descend, attack singgah stop by, visit, call, drop in, stop in, descend mampir stop by, drop in, stop off, stop in, come by, descend mewarisi inherit, heir, succeed, …