Queen of the Supermarket

The American housewife is queen of all she surveys in the supermarket. She decided what times shall be purchased. Grocery manufacturers are well aware of her power to make one product a success and another a failure. They spend huge sums developing new products with which to curry her favor. Fearful that a successful products …

The Hammy Old Days

The Hammy Old Days

Actors depend upon their ability to gesticulate almost as much as upon speech to obtain their desired histrionic effects. With them, gesture serves much more than merely to augment speech. When their communication is by gesture alone, it is called pantomime. In the early silent motion picture period, gestures were flamboyant. To show that he …

Seeing in Learning

While we are all cognizant of the importance for words to create certain impressions, gesture is relegated to a much lesser role. Gesture are important concomitant to even the most vapid speech, enhancing it and giving the hearer something to look at while he listens. The value of seeing at the same time as listening …

Getting a Good Look

The television press interview is conducive to close scrutiny of a candidate. His public speeches may contain many cant phrases, but a sharp question by an astute reporter can destroy a cliché filled statement. The politician now will procrastinate in his answer; a new facet of his personality may be revealed by his demeanor. Perhaps …

A Political Show

There are few forms of entertainment more enjoyable than a glib politician running for office. Most politicians have prepared speeches dealing with the prevalent topics of the day. They can maintain a fervid flow of rhetoric for hours at a time. In each locality where he is to appear, the advanced work is prepared by …

Fair Play!

Recently, there has been an attempt to improve Captain Bligh’s tainted image. Historians maintain that there was no turpitude in Bligh’s action aboard the H.M.S. Bounty. Perhaps he was imprudent in failing to keep his temper under control. While an infraction aboard ship was quickly criticized, Bligh never carried out those callous actions the movie …

A Famous Mutiny

One of the most repugnant names in popular legend is that of Captain William Blight. He was the captain of the H.M.S. Bounty in 1789, and the mutiny that erupted aboard that ship was the basis for a film in which Charles Laughton portrayed Bligh as an awesome bully both the body and the spirit …

The Good Guys vs. the Bad Guys

The international adventure stories prevalent on television follow meticulously a plot that is inexorable in its development. Those on the side of law and justice face perfidious men and organizations. These infamous men have no capacity for compassion, and they treat the lovely woman with opprobrium. The intrepid heroes are placed in deleterious situations as …

Rule, Brittania

An unforgettable saga of World War II has to do with the small French coastal town of Dunkirk. There, in 1940, thousands of British troops made a belated escape from the awesome power of the German army and air force. They were removed by an array of private boats, from huge yachts to decrepit fishing …

Something for everyone

To the derogatory comments from the older generation the teenagers might retort that new fashions and styles are adopted by the elders with alacrity. Though they complain, women emulate their daughters by shortening or lengthening their hems. They may appear reticent about the bother and expense of altering their wardrobe, but they give tacit when …