Stymied By Personal Sickness

After an extensive lecture tour in 1956, Dr. Dooley returned to Laos to set up a mobile medical unit. Because the Geneva Agreement barred the entrance of military personnel to the country, he resigned from the navy and went to work as a civilian. That story is told in THE EDGE OF TOMORROW. Next year, …

Dooley’s Mission

Aboard the refugee ship, Dooley’s destiny took shape. He became paintfully cognizant of the malnutrition, disease, ignorance, and fear that afflicted the natives. In addition, he discerned how active the communist had been in spreading their anti-American propaganda. Tom Dooley pitched in to build shelters in Haipong and to comfort the poor Vietnamese there before …

Enter Dr. Thomas A. Dooley

In 1956, LOOK magazine named Thomas Dooley as one of the year’s ten most outstanding men. Just under thirty years of age at the time, Dr. Dooley had already distinguished himself by caring for a million sick and emaciated Vietnamese refugee. When fighting broke out in the divided country of Vietnam, the northern Communist Viet …

Happy Ending?

Happy Ending?

Following an execution session, the school board ordered the principal to terminate the suspension and to send the boys back to class forthwith. Unless it could be shown that their presence disrupted the learning process, there was no reason to bar the boys. It was a bitter pill for the principal whose irritation was exacerbated …

Haircut Dilemma

The school authorities were stymied. Public opinion had been marshaled against them. No longer was it a simple case of disciplining two wayward lads. Suddenly it had taken on the appearance of a nightmare in which the principal was either hanged in effigy or pictured in cartoons making a villainous swipe at the two innocent …

The Tempest Spills Out of the Teapot

Once the newspaper got the story, the case of the longhairs became a cause celebre. Ron and Len were interviewed, seen on T.V, and regarded by their fellow students as heroes. “These are not delinquents or hoods,” one reporter wrote, “but clean-cut American boys who are being harassed by monolithic school system.” A caustic editorial …

Reading Wisely

Reading Wisely

Ini dia hari pertama petualangan menaklukan Advanced English Vocabulary dari buku 1100 Words nya Murray Bromberg, Baron Educational Series. Sumber Bacaan 1st Week – 1st Day A youngster who reads voraciously, though indiscriminately, does not necessarily gain wisdom over teenagers who are more selective in their reading choices. A young man who has read the …

Much Ado About a Haircut

Perhaps you read about our school in the newspaper? We were one of the first to have showdown on the topic of long hair for boys. Two honor students, Ron Harris and Len Chester, were sent to the principal by their French teacher, an implacable foe of non-conformist, who went into a paroxysm of  anger …

Perfect Products

I guess we’ll never be able to quell those persistent rumors about the invention of auto tires which will never wear out, stocking which cannot tear, and pens which won’t run dry. A voluble economist informed me that such products will never be marketed. “Can you imagine,” he asked, “a manufacturer cutting his own throat?” …

Hold That Nobel Prize!

Speaking of invention and discoveries, I just learned that an eminent scientist in Ohio has developed a pill which contain all nutritive value of three complete meals. In addition to providing us with the vitamin and minerals we need daily, this pill also gives a feeling of fullness. According to its sponsors, the pill will …