There are few forms of entertainment more enjoyable than a glib politician running for office. Most politicians have prepared speeches dealing with the prevalent topics of the day. They can maintain a fervid flow of rhetoric for hours at a time. In each locality where he is to appear, the advanced work is prepared by a clique of trustworthy aides. In preparation for the show, they have dispersed leaflets, put up posters and sent out cars and trucks with loudspeakers to extol the erudite qualities of their candidate. Soon, the crowd gathers. Loyal party workers come forward to shake the hand of their mentor. Now, with the facile solution to complex problems carefully memorize, the show is ready to begin. One moment facetious, the next moment profound, the candidate works to convince the incredulous among the voters.
- glib – fasih
- prevalent – lazim, umum, popular
- fervid- bergairah, menyala
- clique- kelompok, golongan kecil, a small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them.
- trustworthy – dapat dipercaya
- aide -ajudan, pembantu
- dispersed- tersebar, benpencar
- extol- memuji-muji, mendewa-dewakan
- erudite- terpelajar
- facile- lancar, mudah diperoleh
- facetious- jenaka, treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
- flippant – not showing a serious or respectful attitude.
- profound- mendalam
- convince- meyakinkan
- incredulous – yg meragukan