Terjemahan dari intrude verba mengganggu interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, intrude memaksakan impose, enforce, compel, assert, make, intrude masuk tanpa diundang crash in, intrude Definisi intrude verba put oneself deliberately into a place or situation where one is unwelcome or uninvited. he had no right to intrude into their lives (of igneous rock) be forced …
Terjemahan dari frizzy adjektiva keriting curly, curling, kinky, frizzy, waved, frizzly yg dikeritingkan frizzed, frizzly, frizzy kribo frizzy, frizzly Definisi frizzy adjektiva formed of a mass of small, tight curls or tufts. frizzy red hair sinonim: curly, curled, corkscrew, ringlety, crimped, crinkly, kinky, frizzed, permed Sinonim adjektiva curly, curled, corkscrew, ringlety, crimped, crinkly, kinky, frizzed, …
Terjemahan dari bliss nomina kebahagiaan happiness, bliss, beatitude, blessedness, blissfulness, luck Definisi bliss nomina perfect happiness; great joy. she gave a sigh of bliss sinonim: joy, happiness, pleasure, delight, ecstasy, elation, rapture, euphoria verba reach a state of perfect happiness, typically so as to be oblivious of everything else. blissed-out hippies Sinonim nomina joy, happiness, …
Terjemahan dari blade nomina bilah blade, strip, lath, chip sudu blade, spoon, goose beak pedang sword, blade, saber, slasher, glaive, steel mata pisau blade, edge helai strand, blade, sheet daun leaf, blade, mulch, playing card pisau cukur razor, blade, straight razor helaian strand, blade, sheet jagoan whiz, champion, master, blade, swashbuckler, ace jago champion, whiz, …
Terjemahan dari droplet nomina titis kecil droplet, driblet, dribblet titik kecil droplet, driblet, dribblet Definisi droplet nomina a very small drop of a liquid. droplets of water Contoh water droplet I started walking but stop when I felt a droplet of water fall on my forehead. Close inspection revealed a tiny droplet of water at …