
full, complete, whole, fraught, replete, crowded
full, satisfied, gorged, replete
penuh meluap
The 12 inch came replete with a four track CD that screamed ‘SHARE ME’.
I couldn’t really figure out what Kevin did, besides drive some cars and get tied up at Stifler’s impromptu bachelor party, replete with strippers and the bride’s parents bursting in.
The show is replete with simple, haunting images, and an evocative score pervades the physical action.
This at least provided welcome income for a gaggle of fading celebrities to promote, replete with numerous amusing errors, their own favourite historical characters along with their own careers.
The combination of the flood of people hitting the pit, and the absence of a barrier, resulted in an insane dance floor, replete with gratuitous crowd surfing and lost brain cells aplenty.
The history of art and particularly photography is replete with individuals who have found success in a style or subject matter from which they rarely varied.
Debates about the relation between literature and cultural studies are replete with complaints about elitism and charges that studying popular culture will bring the death of literature.
We went out to take some photographs in a marble courtyard replete with shrubbery and elephantine urns where uninterested figures dined al fresco.
It is full of moral speechifying and erudite detail and has a convoluted plot replete with melodramatic deaths and wonderful recoveries and coincidences.
Zelenka’s music is always very pleasant and one must take particular notice of his exquisite ‘Salve Regina’, a truly exquisite work that is brimful and replete with melodies and fugal counterpoint.
What’s documented here is that personal warfare, replete with bursting explosions and a splattering of machine-gun notes.
Certainly, the overall demeanor of the exhibit resembled an ornate baroque cathedral, large and magnificent, replete with technological splendors.
How greatly his painting changed in Venice, replete with the pictures of Titian and Tintoretto, may be seen on entering the National Gallery exhibition, which starts with two of his Cretan icons.
New York politics is replete with ironies, but perhaps the choicest in the past decade was the crusade to teach the city good manners waged by a mayor who was virtually incapable of practicing them himself.
Her palette grew more complex and sophisticated – replete with lavenders, juicy oranges, translucent celadons, glowing viridians, wine reds and a range of blues from deep ultramarine to pale sky.
All come replete with the usual back-of-an-envelope plots, cheap-and-nasty special effects and Arkoff and Nicholson’s secret weapon: teenagers.
The same rock solid gameplay, replete with superb control and surprisingly deep levels, is back.
Fry’s music is replete with opportunities for first-chair musicians, even down to the double-bassist, to show their wares, and the Scottish musicians respond without condescension.
Her works are replete with objects teeming with personal histories and memories that also act as media to convey universal ideas.
While this book reflects a fascination with how things work, it also is a memoir, replete with subjective, idiosyncratic and deeply nostalgic associations.
That’s a feminine accomplishment: a feat of memory, a managed repletion or resplendence.
With progressively more disease states manifesting GSH deficiency, repletion is a viable preventive, therapeutic, and anti-aging strategy.
I look on proudly, bursting with repletion with the knowledge that it’s me: invisible, unknown Nikki Vicario that has his love, not anyone else.
He harvested the punters at book-signing time, with a look of airy repletion .
The full effects of public repleteness are not yet known, but new studies show that it can lead not only to sort-of sleepiness and lethargy but also to slight nausea and, in a majority of subjects, not being able to eat another thing.
Therefore with replete patients, one must address and eliminate the repletion .
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