Terjemahan dari hereditary adjektiva turun temurun hereditary warisan hereditary, inheritable, patrimonial pusaka hereditary Definisi hereditary adjektiva (of a title, office, or right) conferred by or based on inheritance. members of the ancient Polish aristocracy who had hereditary right to elect the king Sinonim adjektiva inherited, bequeathed, willed, handed-down, passed-down, passed-on, transferred, ancestral,family, familial genetic, congenital, …
Terjemahan dari slattern adjektiva jorok dirty, slovenly, squalid, shabby, grubby, slattern kotor dirty, filthy, gross, grubby, soiled, slattern tdk rapi unkempt, dowdy, slovenly, disheveled, sloven, slattern nomina perempuan berpakaian lusuh slattern perempuan jorok slattern, slut si cabul roue, profligate, reprobate, satyr, slattern verba memboros slather, tine, misspend, sport, slattern memboroskan waste, squander, throw away, burn, …
Terjemahan dari infatuation nomina keberahian infatuation, passion, allurement hal jatuh cinta infatuation hal jatuh hati infatuation kegila-gilaan delirium, infatuation, craze Definisi infatuation nomina an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something. he had developed an infatuation with the girl Sinonim nomina crush, calf love, puppy love Contoh he had developed an infatuation …
Terjemahan dari afflict verba menimpa befall, afflict, come, fall on, beset, impinge mengenai respect, hit, affect, concern, refer, afflict merundung infest, afflict, pester menyebabkan sakit afflict Definisi afflict verba (of a problem or illness) cause pain or suffering to; affect or trouble. serious ills afflict the industry sinonim: trouble, burden, distress, cause suffering to, beset, …
Terjemahan dari thug verba membunuh kill, murder, assassinate, slay, destroy, thug nomina penjahat ganas thug Definisi thug nomina a violent person, especially a criminal. The Tories are anxious not to upset anybody these days, even thugs and criminals. sinonim: ruffian, hooligan, vandal, hoodlum, gangster, villain, criminal, tough, bruiser, hardman, goon, heavy, enforcer, hired gun, hood …