Terjemahan dari vial nomina botol kecil vial, phial Definisi vial nomina a small container, typically cylindrical and made of glass, used especially for holding liquid medicines. Ritter picked up a box off the counter containing three small vials of different colored liquids. Sinonim nomina ampule, ampoule, ampul, phial Contoh She reached down and poured the …
Terjemahan dari thuggery nomina pembunuhan murder, killing, assassination, homicide, decimation, thuggery pembunuhan dgn perampokan thuggee, thuggery Comments comments
Terjemahan dari bestow verba memberikan give, provide, offer, supply, allow, bestow menganugerahi bestow, endue, indue melimpahkan bestow, delegate, dump, shower, overwhelm, heap Definisi bestow verba confer or present (an honor, right, or gift). the office was bestowed on him by the chief of state sinonim: confer on, grant, accord, afford, endow someone with, vest in, …
Terjemahan dari coronation nomina pemahkotaan coronation penabalan coronation upacara naik takhta coronation penyelesaian sukses coronation Definisi coronation nomina the ceremony of crowning a sovereign or a sovereign’s consort. It is here the kings of Nepal have long been crowned and their coronations solemnized. Sinonim nomina investiture, enthronement, enthronization Contoh We decided to delay this ceremony …
Terjemahan dari inexorable adjektiva tdk terkalahkan unexcelled, impregnable, inexorable, invincible, indomitable tdk terbujuk inexorable yg tak kenal ampun merciless, unsparing, heartless, inexorable, hard-faced, hard-hearted yg tdk dpt ditawar-tawar inexorable Definisi inexorable adjektiva impossible to stop or prevent. the seemingly inexorable march of new technology sinonim: relentless, unstoppable, inescapable, inevitable, unavoidable, irrevocable, unalterable, persistent, continuous, nonstop, …