Terjemahan dari admonish verba menegur rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reprove, scold, address memperingatkan warn, remind, forewarn, admonish mengingatkan remind, warn, bring to mind, admonish, think, impress menasihati advise, exhort, admonish, preach, lecture Definisi admonish verba warn or reprimand someone firmly. she admonished me for appearing at breakfast unshaven sinonim: reprimand, rebuke, scold, reprove, reproach, upbraid, chastise, …
Terjemahan dari lithe adjektiva lentur flexible, limber, lithe, warped luwes supple, lithe, elegant, charming, elastic, stylish Definisi lithe adjektiva (especially of a person’s body) thin, supple, and graceful. She could feel the strength his lithe body possessed, even wounded and laying on a table. sinonim: agile, graceful, supple, limber, lithesome, loose-limbed, nimble, deft, flexible, lissome, …
Terjemahan dari droplet nomina titis kecil droplet, driblet, dribblet titik kecil droplet, driblet, dribblet Definisi droplet nomina a very small drop of a liquid. droplets of water Contoh water droplet I started walking but stop when I felt a droplet of water fall on my forehead. Close inspection revealed a tiny droplet of water at …
Terjemahan dari domesticate verba menjinakkan tame, domesticate, gentle memperjinak tame, domesticate menyukai urusan rumah tangga domesticate Definisi domesticate verba tame (an animal) and keep it as a pet or for farm produce. mammals were first domesticated for their milk Sinonim verba naturalise, tame, cultivate, naturalize tame, reclaim tame Lebih sedikit sinonim Contoh The last three …
Terjemahan dari havoc nomina malapetaka havoc, disaster, catastrophe, calamity, doom, misfortune kerusakan damage, harm, breakdown, decay, failure, havoc kebinasaan doom, havoc pembasmian eradication, extermination, annihilation, havoc, extirpation, demolition kemusnahan obliteration, havoc, perdition, fate, ruination mala disaster, havoc, prang, misfortune, calamity, spot verba membinasakan destroy, annihilate, kill, ravage, havoc, exterminate merusakkan damage, destroy, tamper, boggle, break, …