Menggugah Definisi evocative adjektiva bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind. powerfully evocative lyrics sinonim: reminiscent, suggestive, redolent, expressive, vivid, graphic, powerful, haunting, moving, poignant Sinonim adjektiva reminiscent, suggestive, redolent, expressive, vivid, graphic, powerful, haunting, moving,poignant redolent, resonant, reminiscent, remindful Contoh This image is perhaps the most detailed and least evocative of those on …
Terjemahan dari commiserate verba menaruh simpati commiserate menunjukkan rasa simpati commiserate menunjukkan belas kasihan commiserate turut berduka cita commiserate Definisi commiserate verba express or feel sympathy or pity; sympathize. she went over to commiserate with Rose on her unfortunate circumstances sinonim: offer sympathy to, be sympathetic to, offer condolences to, condole with, sympathize with, empathize …
Terjemahan dari civic adjektiva bersifat kewarganegaraan civic Definisi civic adjektiva of or relating to a city or town, especially its administration; municipal. civic and business leaders sinonim: municipal, city, town, urban, metropolitan, public, civil, community, local Sinonim adjektiva municipal, city, town, urban, metropolitan, public, civil, community, local civil Contoh You should see that as your …
Definisi virtuosity nomina great skill in music or another artistic pursuit. a performance of considerable virtuosity sinonim: skill, skillfulness, mastery, expertise, prowess, proficiency, ability, aptitude, excellence, brilliance, talent, genius, artistry, flair, panache, finesse, wizardry, know-how, chops Sinonim nomina skill, skillfulness, mastery, expertise, prowess, proficiency, ability, aptitude, excellence,brilliance, talent, genius, artistry, flair, panache, finesse, wizardry, know-how, …
Terjemahan dari senile adjektiva pikun senile uzur senile, weak, pregnant, worn-out Definisi senile adjektiva (of a person) having or showing the weaknesses or diseases of old age, especially a loss of mental faculties. she couldn’t cope with her senile husband sinonim: doddering, doddery, decrepit, senescent, declining, infirm, feeble, aged, long in the tooth, in one’s …