yg meragukan
doubting, incredulous, problematic, problematical
an incredulous gasp
yg meragukan
doubting, incredulous, problematic, problematical
an incredulous gasp
Crucible artinya percobaan, ujian berat, atau bisa juga berarti tempat pencarian logam, tegantung konteks kalimatnya. Perhatikan beberapa contoh kalimat di bawah ini : The author called these statements spiritual practice for they could only have been forged in the crucible of each woman’s daily living. The difference is that Ulysses rejected the temptations that life’s crucible threw at him …
Terjemahan dari snoop verba mengintip peek, peep, snoop, tout, stag, pry mengintai lurk, spy, snoop, stake out, scout, peer ingin tahu urusan orang lain snoop memata-matai look, keek, spy, reconnoitre, reconnoiter, snoop nomina pengintai scout, look-out, spotter, watcher, snooper, snoop pengintip peeper, snooper, keeker, snoop mata-mata scout, stool, stool pigeon, bloodhound, dick, snoop Definisi snoop …
erjemahan dari weld nomina las weld, joint verba dilas weld melas weld mematerikan weld, solder menggalang support, weld, shore, block, scotch, lay a base for menyatukan unite, unify, combine, merge, concatenate, weld memateri weld, solder Definisi weld nomina a welded joint. This process is quite common for making welds for making watertight joints for tanks, …
Terjemahan dari sermon nomina khotbah sermon, preaching, homily, preachment, exhortation kotbah sermon, preaching, homily, preachment, exhortation wejangan sermon, advice nasihat advice, counsel, exhortation, word, tip, sermon verba berkhotbah preach, sermon, sermonize, hold forth berkotbah preach, sermon, sermonize, hold forth Definisi sermon nomina a talk on a religious or moral subject, especially one given during a …
Terjemahan dari impunity nomina kebebasan dr hukuman impunity Definisi impunity nomina exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action. the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings sinonim: immunity, indemnity, exemption (from punishment), freedom from liability, nonliability, license, amnesty, dispensation, reprieve, pardon, exoneration, stay of execution, privilege, favoritism, special …