artificial, counterfeit, semblant, dummy, simulated, factitious
artificial, made, made in, synthetic, factitious, dummy
a largely factitious national identity
artificial, counterfeit, semblant, dummy, simulated, factitious
artificial, made, made in, synthetic, factitious, dummy
a largely factitious national identity
Terjemahan dari brainstorm nomina ilham inspiration, brainwave, revelation, brainstorm Definisi brainstorm nomina a spontaneous group discussion to produce ideas and ways of solving problems. A survey by Business Link revealed that few rated brainstorms or discussions at work with colleagues. a moment in which one is suddenly unable to think clearly or act sensibly. Annabel …
Terjemahan dari comfortably adverbia dgn senang pleasantly, comfortably Sinonim comfortably adverbia well Terjemahan dari comfortable adjektiva enak good, tasty, delicious, nice, comfortable, well senang happy, pleased, glad, good, nice, comfortable cukup enough, sufficient, adequate, ample, fair, comfortable lumayan good, tolerable, decent, sizable, middling, comfortable sreg comfortable, comfy, appropriate nikmat enjoyable, cozy, comfortable, comfy, cosy nyenyak …
Terjemahan dari cloud nomina awan cloud, overcast mega cloud mendung cloud jumlah besar bulk, quantity, vast, multiplicity, reams, cloud keadaan susah nuisance, cloud syal dr wol cloud noda stain, smudge, spot, taint, smear, cloud verba menutupi cover, cover up, mask, cover over, smother, cloud menggelapkan darken, embezzle, obscure, tamper, becloud, cloud meredupkan cloud, tone down, …
Terjemahan dari circulate verba mengedarkan circulate, distribute, pass out, send out, push, circularize beredar circulate, revolve memperedarkan circulate, turn, rotate, revolve, distribute, pass round melegarkan circulate berkunjung visit, pay a visit, circulate, see Definisi circulate verba move or cause to move continuously or freely through a closed system or area. antibodies circulate in the bloodstream …
Terjemahan dari coup nomina kup coup, howdah pukulan mendadak coup tindakan tangkas yg tiba-tiba coup verba membalikkan reverse, turn, invert, misrepresent, turn over, coup menggulingkan pemerintahan coup Definisi coup nomina a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government. he was overthrown in an army coup sinonim: seizure of power, coup d’état, putsch, …