Saat petama buka kamus Inggris Indonesia, inilah arti kata “purgatory” yang saya dapatkan : api penyucian tempat penyucian sela gunung Ada definisi khusus dari kata purgatory yang didapat dari kamus monolingual (in Roman Catholic doctrine) a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to …
Terjemahan dari feature nomina ciri feature, characteristic, trait, mark, merits, attribute sifat nature, character, trait, property, characteristic, feature keistimewaan feature, distinction, idiosyncrasy, singularity corak complexion, feature, color, hue, type, design segi aspect, facet, side, angle, feature, sector artikel article, item, column, feature film utama feature karangan essay, composition, article, writing, paper, feature verba menonjolkan accentuate, …
Terjemahan dari visage nomina wajah face, look, countenance, features, visage, physiognomy muka face, front, surface, page, reputation, visage roman muka countenance, visage Definisi visage nomina a person’s face, with reference to the form or proportions of the features. an elegant, angular visage Sinonim nomina face, countenance, look, (facial) features, (facial) expression countenance countenance, phiz, mug, …
Terjemahan dari deprive verba mencabut revoke, pull, repeal, lift, withdraw, deprive menghilangkan relieve, get rid of, omit, dispel, deprive, erase mencabuntukan take, lift, pull, extract, pull out, deprive Definisi deprive verba deny (a person or place) the possession or use of something. the city was deprived of its water supplies sinonim: dispossess of, strip of, …
Terjemahan dari priceless adjektiva tak ternilai priceless Definisi priceless adjektiva so precious that its value cannot be determined. priceless works of art sinonim: invaluable, of incalculable value/worth, of immeasurable value/worth, beyond price, irreplaceable, incomparable, unparalleled Sinonim adjektiva invaluable, of incalculable value/worth, of immeasurable value/worth, beyond price,irreplaceable, incomparable, unparalleled invaluable Contoh Of course, it would be …